Weight Loss Pills for Women & Men Hydroxycut Black | Weight Loss Supplement Pills Metabolism Booster for Weight Loss Weightloss & Energy Supplements 60 Pills (Packaging May Vary)

Top Reviews from the United States
    Definitely works, just drink plenty of water! (Triple-quadruple your water intake!)
    "I lost 5lbs in the first 2 days. Just leveled out after that on the scale but I definitely see physical slimming since that. I stayed w the minimum recommended dose for a week and then went up to the max dose the second week - that gave me terrible stomach pains. Upped my water (3-4 gallons a day) and lowered my dose and I feel better now. I have to admit, I have not been working out as much as I should. But it isn't a magic pill, it's a supplement. You really need to work out if you expect good results. On the days I work out I can see a 1-2 lb decrease by the next day. Overall I see more muscle and less fat though, and that is fine by me.

    **UPDATE** Since I left my initial review, I quit taking the capsules unless I work out immediately within 30 minutes or less. I take 1-2 capsules depending what kind of activity I am doing. If it is strenuous, I take 2, otherwise a light walk, easy bike ride, or a jog is fine with only 1 capsule. I find that I have enhanced stamina and performance when I take this about 10-30 minutes before exercising.

    Without it, it takes a minimum of 1 mile to warm up while interval training... But with a 1 cap. dose I can warm up quickly, go longer and stronger, my breathing is less labored and not as quickly and my muscles CRAVE moving. The more I move, the better it feels and if I go more than 2 days without SOME kind of workout I am itchy AF.
    Also, if I take my supplements and don't get moving within a certain amount of time I get super anxious, but I am conscious of it and have to try hard not to become cranky and irritable. So working out and expelling the energy is key to keep from feeling grouchy.

    ALSO, huge bullet point for me: I DO NOT CRASH, I never crash after taking even a stronger 3 capsule dose - although I haven't felt the need for anything over 2 since I stopped taking them on idle days. I could take 1 capsule, interval train, run hills/walking/basic yoga/dynamic stretches and still go the rest of the day without feeling wasted. As long as I get moving, it doesn't mess w being able to sleep either.

    I still drink LOTS of water to counter balance the extra energy. Water is key, esp in dry AZ! I run at night and hike in the evenings to keep from getting heat stroke or dehydration so easily. I rehydrate with 2 quarts of cool but NOT icy water immediately and continue to consume up to 2 gallons of water over 2-3 hours afterwards.

    So bottom line, since starting the capsules in mid/late July, til now, first week of September: I have lost a total of 22lbs. I have only been training harder at 4-6 days a week for about a month, (instead of whenever I feel like it 1-2 days a week.)
    I am JUST NOW finishing the last of my FIRST bottle, after extending it by taking it only before a workout, and I was taking the doses as recommended haphazardly before that.

    So if you want to take this and not waste them, WORK OUT or at the VERY LEAST, go for a WALK - just get out and move! Even clean the heck out of your house - but don't just sit there and hope they work. It is a waste and you'll feel irritable and restless.
    The way they help my clarity, focus and stamina is beyond what I expected!
    I used to sit for hours on end, I had no interest in working out, I hated exercising. If somebody told me last year that I could run a half mile without stopping I would have laughed. I never imagine I would take up running at 35 yrs old, I haven't played sports or done heavy physical activity since before I was 20. I am CONVINCED that these supplements really helped me get that boost of strength and stamina I needed to make the most of my activities, and I don't get BORED or drift off in my mind while I am actively working out. Now instead of dreading it, barely peeling my ass off the recliner for a short 1 mile walk 3 times month, I look forward to it! I now rarely go more than 2 days without getting out and expelling some serious energy!
    Now I am interval running for up to 3 miles and I have only been SERIOUS about it for about 3-4 weeks now. I NEVER imagined I could improve so quickly in less than month! That is huge for me. I even injured my knee by eating the pavement hard while running in the dark one night.. I rested for almost a week, take it easy oil I am really warmed up, stay away from dairy/processed/sugar/wheat/carb laden foods and I am STILL slimming and losing a 1-3 lbs after every workout.
    So that is the super detailed opinion of a 35 yr old mom of 3 who just picked up running as a last ditch effort to lose some weight.
    I paid full price for my pills, I got no free rides and I am earning ever pound I shed. I am NOW ordering my SECOND bottle. At this rate I project 20 lbs per bottle minimum, I should be able to lose my target weight and reach my target goal within 3 more bottles."
    Nice for the price!
    "Ok...i knew that Hydroxycut Black had revamped their formula...i didn't want that new formula with the MCT oil....The picture for this product lead me to believe that this would be the old trusted formula that didn't break my fast...

    On & Off for 3 years, i've always purchased this product from Walmart...helped me loose tons of weight and gave me the necessary BOOST of energy I needed for cardio with NO HEADACHEs ...A few months ago I ranned into Walmart to restock.. Little did I know they added the MCT oil to it.. I didn't NOTICE until 30 minutes into my workout I felt extremely tired, no boost of energy like usual ..actually felt like I just ate a meal, satiated .. So I looked at the bottle again and saw it was different than my old bottle.. I returned the bottle with the MCT oil.. And vowed to never purchase that one again.... But here I've purchased it thinking it was the old formula...

    Seller did send me two! For the price I guess I'll keep it and only take them when I breakfast at meal time.. Don't trust it for nothing else. Especially not for Extra energy

    So far it seem to work...
    "I've only been on this for a few days, so I will certainly update as I use it.

    I've been on a low carb diet for almost a month now. No problems losing weight on the diet/exercise alone, but I do have a lot I want to lose so I decided any extra boost couldn't hurt. I track my weight loss patterns meticulously, and thus far... this does seem to make a difference. In just a few days I've lost about 3 pounds. Understand I was already losing at a pretty quick rate, but this was even faster. I'd attribute 1-1.5lb of it to the Hydroxycut.

    Bear in mind I started as instructed by taking one twice a day. From that, no ill side effects other than mild heart burn. Today I tried two and became dizzy, mildly nauseous, had moderate heart burn, and generally felt weird. I do feel a body temperature difference, but I feel a bit jittery.

    Please note, I do not have caffeine sensitivity. I usually drink a lot of coffee, but have had substantially less the last few days because of this pill.

    So all that said, I do believe it works, but I think I will need to stick to one pill twice a day for the foreseeable future. It does substantially reduce my appetite (which wasn't entirely necessary, because I didn't have much of one because of low-carb, but now I could almost not eat at all if I allowed myself).

    Anyhow. It works so far with the limited data I have. I'll update periodically."
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